Child Birth Educator
Parenting Expert
By profession, I’m a Child Birth Educator, Psychotherapist, Parenting Expert & Counsellor.
By passion, I am a Writer, Motivational Speaker and a Positive Story Teller.
As a woman entrepreneur, I founded Happy Motherhood in 2011 in Chennai and have closely touched the lives of 10,000+ Moms, Women, Infants and Toddlers with my sessions on Pre Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Post Pregnancy, New Born Care & Parenting.
Still counting on.....
Health, Movement, Wellbeing
We undertake both one to one counseling and batch classes too. The strength of each batch does not exceed more than 10 couples, to ensure individual attention is paid to each one of the participants. As a team, we strive to address each one of the participants’ queries and complaints. This stands as our unique point in comparison with our peers.
Happy Motherhood is dedicated when serving clients, earning their trust, and providing accurate and updated information and services. We are committed to assisting women by providing technical knowledge, emotional support, and practical guidance. Happy Motherhood encourages and educates men too, both during pregnancy and parenting to take part in designing and maintaining their child’s life.

Meet My Team
Mrs Rengapriya
Mrs Anitha Bharathi
Mrs Arthei
